We are one month on from the initial discovery of the planning application for the site of the Stable Yard on the Peckham Coal Line route.
Since then we have had several meetings with the architects, planners, developers and Southwark Council and here is what has emerged. The developers are listening – there is a bat survey underway, and they have commissioned a more detailed heritage report of the Victorian stable block. We need to make sure that your stories and experiences of the site and the Spike Surplus Scheme and included in this study. This is due at the end of August so please get in touch with your local anecdotes and we will pass them on.

The owners of the site have also appointed a landscape architect, SpaceHub, to look at how we can ensure that what could be the first part of the Coal Line, becomes an inclusive place that people would want to spend time in and that it goes some way to fulfilling the wider ambitions of the Peckham Coal Line project.
Several alternative options have now been sketched out - in response to the Coal Line recommendations.The architects and planners are starting to explore a car free route and how more equitable mixed use might be included while, retaining some of the existing Victorian buildings.
Thanks to your support the planning decision has now been delayed beyond the 5th September deadline. Southwark Council planning officers have recommend that the developers include community consultation. They are working up plans to host an event in early September and we’ll keep you posted with the details. This will give us all a chance to comment on the alternative options. We’d like to be in a position to be able to support one or more options and though we are still some way off this, we are cautiously optimistic.