Hi and welcome to the Blog section of our website. This is where you can keep up to date on the Peckham Coal Lines progress as we engage, test and learn about making a community vision reality.
The big news this week is the great success of last Saturday’s Walk The Line event, held as part of the Chelsea Fringe Festival. As with any party, we were hoping for the best but prepared for the worst. We needn’t have worried, the response was overwhelming. We reckon around 500 people came along over the course of the day, whether joining one of the guided tours or – brave souls – finding their own way thanks to our effort at a self-guided map. Even Robert Elms had us on his BBC London radio show.
Many of you asked questions and made suggestions. We were left enthused, galvanised and incredibly grateful. Thank you.
And thank you also to Peckham Vision for letting us use their studio space. We are just volunteers caught up in the idea of the Coal Line. None of us has done anything like this before so to feel the support for the Coal Line you gave us on Saturday was priceless.

Because we are just volunteers, albeit with skills in some of the areas needed to get this project (literally) off the ground, we need your help.
The next stage is to seek funding for the feasibility study, which will explain exactly how the Coal Line can become a reality.
To do this, we need to establish ourselves as a formal organisation – whether that be a charity, a social enterprise group or something else. If you, or anyone you know, has experience in these matters and can advise us, please get in touch. We can’t stress enough, we need your help to make the Coal Line happen.

Looking further ahead, we will be working out other ways of involving as many people from Peckham in the plans. The young, the old, neighbours, community groups, local traders – it’s important to us we hear from you. Aside from the concept that this will be a high-level, urban, linear park connecting Queens Road with Rye Lane, little has been set in stone. So, again, if you have any thoughts, please email us at team@peckhamcoalline.org. And please spread the word through the <website>, the <Facebook page>, or follow us on <Twitter>... If you’re feeling lively, use all three.

Thanks again. It’s all very exciting.
To finish, here’s a couple of photos from Saturday. We love the dog.
And there’s some more fine photos from The London Perambulator and Chez L'Abeille
The Peckham Coal Line Team