Dear Friends,
Thank you. The huge mobilisation you played a part in yesterday has forced a dialogue with the developer, which is a start! However ‘Bluecroft Developments’ will not withdraw the application so we’ll need to keep up the pressure with as many objections as possible until Saturday – This is really important to help us navigate the minefield of planning policy and swing it to save the Coal Line – YOUR VOICE MATTERS. At the same time we need to collectively work out what an alternative for the stable yard could look like to enable the Coal Line to go ahead at the same time as new houses.
The feasibility process for the Coal Line has involved talking to thousands of residents. Housing is a big priority for Peckham and we are open to collaborating with the developers to make sure that there is a better mix on the site to include affordable. The current plans would need to be re-arranged – should we try to save the original Victorian stable block? We need to preserve a right of way for pedestrians and cyclists across the site. We also need to safeguard any possible future link to the Nunhead section of the park that could only be accesses from this stable yard. Finally the site has to be integrated with the six double-height Network Rail arches, together the arches and stable yard have a big potential to create new local jobs and enterprise. We’d like to see some of the yard become a public space.
Basically over the coming days we’ll be working up alternatives so we can take these to our meeting with the developer on Tuesday.
Let me know if any of you want to get involved in this process. We’re in touch with many local groups including Peckham Vision, Peckham Citizens and others and we will try and arrange a meeting with other groups in the coming days to get advice and work out our collective priorities and approach.
Thanks again.
The PCL team.
As ever the best online places for updates are
twitter. @PeckhamCoalLine